Hello, blog world. I've been absent a while, huh? Well, last month, I learned that my feet aren't just arthritic, they're pretty messed up. Dislocated bones and bone spurs have been adding to my pain all along. Who knew? I decided to skip the conservative route in regards to treatment because I'm tired of the pain interfering with my life. Phase One of The Right Foot Fix happened September 13. I had my big toenail and the sneaky bone spur that lived underneath it removed. Painful? Yep. Gross? Indeed. Worth it? So far, yes. It'll be nice to (hopefully) be free from ingrown toenails and all the pain they bring and it'll be nice to not have pain from the spur when I walk. Recovery is going well and I only cried (we're talking ugly cried) twice. The first time was when I couldn't put any weight on it and had to use crutches for the very first time to get down steps and a sidewalk to our car. This girl has no upper-body strength and no skills with crutche...
Dark fiction writer and all-around crafty girl