Surprise, surprise! I'm getting better, I promise. I've been very busy lately formatting my Sketchbook Project and right now it is available on Smashwords. It is called " Sounds Fishy: Mermaid Haikus and Wisdom " and is free--free--free! A lovely handful of quasi-naughty haikus and my own illustrations...just for you! Hopefully soon it'll be available for Kindle and Nook, etc. Now that I'm finished with that formatting joy, I'm in the process of putting together my own collection of short stories. Right now, I have just over 34,000 words accumulated and I'll be adding a couple more stories. I already have the cover concept done and am getting a few new beta readers lined up. With any luck, I'll have a PDF to give them within a week or so. Then I can get back into my novel. Slimming is still a work in progress. I haven't gained, but I'm not losing big numbers each week like in the first cycle of The Shred...
Dark fiction writer and all-around crafty girl