This month flew by and due to reasons beyond my control the blog was left behind. Sorry! But, my home computer will actually let me post now so here we go! Baconology is available for purchase here . I got a very nice rejection for a short story that made a short list, so there's lemonade in them thar lemons! Right now my insides are all a-twist while I wait and wait on the submission I sent to my Dream Magazine Gig. Their response time is 6-8 has been 7 and I'm a wreck. I'd love to see "Hair Baby" be my breakthrough piece...ack, hope I didn't just jinx it... I'm maintaining an 18 pound weight loss and am still in the fight. I should have taken 'before' pics. Ah well. Last Saturday I had the opportunity to volunteer my time helping to relocate an abandoned/neglected cemetery. It totally re-ignited my love of archaeology and cemented the fact that I WILL sign up for field school next summer. Life is too sho...
Dark fiction writer and all-around crafty girl