What a busy, hectic, madcap month it has been. I'm NaNo - ing but my word count is dismally low. At least I surpassed last year's embarrassment of a word count. I wrote a few thousand words today and just needed a breather. I'll get back to it tonight. I sent in a story submission called "Goldfield Has Gone To Hell" for a cowboy-Indian-zombie themed anthology and am awaiting a response. It's gonna be a looong weekend and I'll be hard-pressed to not check my email every five seconds. I hate surprises, so the waiting-for-an-acceptance/rejection part of writing kills me every time. Its a wonder I don't have raging ulcers by now. Anywho, don't get me wrong, the publisher is one of the speediest that I've ever encountered. Its just me thinking that it is utter garbage and second-guessing myself and my *ahem* writing skills. Let's talk about sparkly things. No, not vampires. Jewelry. I'm doing a craft fair this weekend with my si...
Dark fiction writer and all-around crafty girl